Tweat – My Net Findings

Posts Tagged ‘tesla

I’m tired of seeing editorials and articles bashing the great Tesla electric car. In a time that big auto corporations are almost bankrupt, complaining that something inovative and with a reduced budget isn’t doing as well as it could do, is really strange.

Yes these first models will be expensive, but buyers know that, the money they are paying will be invested in further development. And compare that with the cost of development of a regular model… they aren’t spending as much if we compare it.

I really love that car, it’s something people would like to buy, unlike those strange “futuristic” but horrible concepts that other brands launch. I don’t care if they will be cheap, or have great mileage, I would never buy them!

Support innovation! I hope electric motors get more support than other giant companies that can’t control their expenses.


But we can also see some people supporting them around the web:

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